Detroit Flight Path Farm

ROMULUS, MI, Wayne County

Farm Seeker/Farm Owner Partnership, Working arrangement with future partner

Jul 23, 2024


  • 23 Acres Available
  • 16 Open Tillable Acres

Infrastructure and Equipment Available

  • Barns or other facilities
  • Electrical Access
  • Farmer Housing
  • Farm Equipment
  • Fencing
  • Irrigation/Water Access
  • Road access

Past/Current Land Usage

  • Cattle - Beef
  • Fruit
  • Fruit Trees
  • Grains
  • Hay
  • Pigs
  • Poultry - Layers
  • Poultry - Meat
  • Sheep
  • Timber/Forest Land
  • Vegetables

Vision for the Farm

We are interested in agroecological, regenerative farm management, particularly in agroforestry and silvopasture. We are not looking to sell right away, but to work with someone who might be able to take over the farm in the future (we are middle aged no kids) and do so in a way that would keep the many native fruit and nut trees we have planted in silvopasture and maintain farm management that is ecologically sound, socially equitable, and situates small farms as a key resources for local communities.

Our dream is to have a co-operative ownership structure, with multiple farmers in residence (and potentially other farmers not in residence and other owners with a stake but not actively farming?) sharing ownership, blanket organic type certification, equipment, labor, etc. It will take us several years to get there, and we still have to really delve into whether this is the ownership structure that makes the most sense; in the meantime we are open to other arrangements, including leases, informal trades (e.g., living here in exchange help with farm work with opportunity to develop your own farm enterprise), 

Past/Current Land Usage

  • Cattle - Beef
  • Fruit
  • Fruit Trees
  • Grains
  • Hay
  • Pigs
  • Poultry - Layers
  • Poultry - Meat
  • Sheep
  • Timber/Forest Land
  • Vegetables

Acreage description

Total property of 23 acres: 7.5 in forest, 9.5 tilled fields (currently leased out to another farmer, managed conventionally for row crops), remaining 6 acres are mixed orchard/silvopasture and homestead/infrastructure, managed organically but not certified. Within the 6 acres, there are various small parcels (up to an acre or so) that are currently used as livestock pasture but could be shifted to market garden or other uses.

Description of the property’s current condition, current use(s), and past use(s)

The property is a long parcel (about 400 feet by 2500 feet) oriented north-to-south. At the north end is the 6-acre area managed without any synthetic agrochemical inputs since late 2017. This area comprises a house, detached garage, chicken coop, three pole barns, corn crib for infrastructure. There is an old apple/pear orchard where we have been planting in some new fruit trees as the older ones die out. There are two open pasture areas (0.25 acres each), one currently used for raising turkey poults one currently used for pig pasture. There are other areas of the farm (probably another half acre or so) currently unused that could be rehabilitated into arable land and/or pasture. To the south of these is a silvopastoral system we have planted with mostly native fruit and nut trees that we use for raising pigs, lambs, chickens, and turkeys. Then there are the conventional fields rented out to another farmer (year-to-year lease, rotation between sweet corn, vegetables/fruits, and soy/grains), then at the southern end is the forest block.

Additional Information

We prefer to work with someone interested in organic, regenerative, and/or agroecological farming methods. In the past the farm was used for cattle production, tree fruits, and row crops (mainly potatoes); currently we focus on pastured livestock production (pigs, sheep, heritage breed poultry). Potential to expand tree fruit management and production, install/run a market garden. We have much of the necessary equipment. There are several potential revenue streams that are going largely unused for lack of time/labor (e.g., apples and pears in old orchard that are used to feed livestock but could be used to produce organic tree fruit; production of hybrid hazelnuts for livestock that could also be gathered/sold) and other opportunities for new revenue streams (market garden, some mushroom foraging, mushroom cultivation in forest area, biochar/compost production) that could be developed by a partner interested in developing such a project. 

Soil Type(s)

Loamy sand or sandy loam depending on exact location within the farm. Soil is slightly acidic and with high phosphorous levels (legacy phosphorous from previous decades of use).

Transition Agreement

Farm Seeker/Farm Owner Partnership, Working arrangement with future partner

We are open to different arrangements that involve equitable and mutually-beneficial cooperative management. This might mean you living here with us (the upstairs of the house has 2 bedrooms, not occupied) and using part of the farm to manage as your own enterprise in exchange for help with farm chores, or cooperative ownership, or a rent-to-own type arrangement? I don't really have a clear idea of exactly what it would be yet, but we're open to discussions. My ideal vision is a cooperatively owned and managed farm with multiple farmers in residence.

Sale Price or Estimated Market Value

United States

Price for Lease Per Acre

United States

Production Preferences

Preferred Farming Method

Certified Organic, Organic Practices

Infrastructure and Equipment Available

  • Barns or other facilities
  • Electrical Access
  • Farmer Housing
  • Farm Equipment
  • Fencing
  • Irrigation/Water Access
  • Road access