No matter whether you’re on the entering or exiting side of the farming continuum, land transfer can be a daunting task. With so much to manage, it’s hard to feel confident every aspect of the process is being handled and executed properly.
That’s where the Land Transfer Navigator program come in. Navigators have experience supporting access to land, farmland protection, succession planning and more. With training and support from American Farmland Trust and the USDA, Navigators are here to guide you through the complexities of land transfer and know how to tap the technical assistance and resources you need to be successful.

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Meet Your Michigan Navigators

Will Manty
231.929.7911 |
Will is based in Grand Traverse County and serves Northern Michigan. He holds a BA in Environmental Studies, is experienced in dairy and vegetable farming, and has also worked for a major local food hub creating partnerships with small-scale farmers.

Becky Huttenga
616.970.0679 |
Becky is based in Ottawa County and serves Southern Michigan. She has over a decade of experience in farmland protection, agriculture, and economic development initiatives and founded

The Land Transfer Navigators program is led in partnership by American Farmland Trust with support from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The goal of this initiative is to dramatically increase the transfer of farm and ranch land to a new generation of producers.
The program catalyzes practitioners from across the country to support equitable farm and ranch transfers that work for both entering and exiting generations.